What is Art Therapy!?

Art Therapy is a unique mental health service that offers individuals an opportunity to explore + heal through creative expression. In this therapeutic space, clients work alongside a professionally trained Art Therapist who helps to facilitate emotional processing + understanding.

This creative therapy acts as a vehicle for self-expression, enabling individuals to access their unconscious thoughts + feelings. Through this transformative journey, clients gain insights into their own patterns of behavior, uncover hidden emotions, + make sense of their grief or traumas.

What Does
a Session Look Like?

Fantastic Question!
In an Art Therapy session clients will have access to a variety of art materials where they can express themselves through the art making process. The Art Therapist will gently guide the process + encourage the client to ‘trust the process’ as they create. The art is not judged, marked, or graded, but used as a tool to represent how they are feeling on the inside.
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Belly Eye Art Therapy Approaches


A way of highlighting societal injustice, gender inequity, + the needs of women + other marginalized populations. Together we will work on regaining power, feeling heard, being seen + what it means to take up space. How can we create change in the system?

Strength Based

The best way to describe this is to reflect on: ‘what is strong’ vs. ‘what is wrong’. We focus on internal strengths + resourcefulness, + less on weaknesses, failures, + shortcomings. This focus sets up a positive mindset that improves self-esteem + resilience.

Trauma Informed

This approach looks at all of the pieces of the human, not just the symptoms. As humans we are complex. With the Art Therapist you will create art to help understand + heal the internalized messages, old patterns, shame, safely address trauma + foster emotional regulation.